Wednesday 22 February 2012

Environmental Impacts

Globalization has brought many positive impacts with it such as; a diverse workforce, benefits of outsourcing, improving working conditions and standards in third world countries and improving technology. Although this is all true the negative impacts have also made an effect on our earth.The major effect that has come from globalization is the impact on our environment. This includes; deforestation, water and air pollution, climate change and much more.

When companies decide to expand there production and offices to other countries the space and resources they consume enlarge there ecological footprint. Countries that have cheaper labor also tend not have environmental protections put into place to limit companies. Companies that set up offices or production plants need the space to make them and deforestation is the cause of this to make more room. The land and houses around these production plants become so infested with co2 emissions and smog that the area is damaged beyond repair.

Also companies that need to send over workers or supplies impact the environment because they do so on a regular basis. This is the key problem of expanding so far away, although it may be convenient for good cheap labor to expose ourselves to more ideas and new innovations, it comes at a destructive cost.

Tuesday 21 February 2012


Technology is always changing and evolving to become more complex and helpful in our everyday life. Globalization has definitely helped improve technology by allowing countries to be exposed to one another and therefore to new ideas and innovations.

Technology improves and enriches our lives everyday such as; cellphones, cars, etc. By bringing our world closer together it has allowed the world's economy to become interdependent on one another. Distance and language are no longer an obstacle because information technology allows us to share information quickly and efficiently. Countries that are seas apart from one another are able to complete transactions, meetings and business deals within minutes. Companies that have clients and offices in other countries are able to maintain
 and manage them easily.  

Through globalization the workplace is able to increase profits from access to more information, ideas, resources, partners and customers. From technology in the workplace to complete day to day activities to technology that ensures good customer service; technology is everywhere within a workforce. In conclusion globalization has allowed businesses to increase there proficiency and profitability from improved technology.

Wednesday 15 February 2012

Improved Working Conditions & Standards

Globalization has made companies in foreign countries embrace the standard that the West has set out. This includes increasing workplace conditions and standards by providing better workplace safety.

The repercussions of working in an unsafe or unsanitary workplace can result in danger and even death. This is more evident in third world countries where the working conditions are getting better but are still poor in some countries and companies.

Working conditions and standards also include the more simpler things that companies seem to not pay attention to. Such as; building trust, having team spirit, and giving credit for a job well done. This all can be accomplished by having a positive, fun working environment and approachable, understanding managers. Communication is key in having efficient workers, many companies don't keep there workers happy by not listening to them, overworking or subjecting them to dangerous work.

Globalization has made it possible for workers especially in third world countries to receive the proper working conditions, information, and training to be safe while at work. With governments threatening to fine or shut down unsafe work environments companies are forced to abide the rules they set out.  Production output is important but without the workers who make those products safe and happy a company will never truly be successful.

Wednesday 1 February 2012


Globalization is the relationships of people, culture and economic activity. Over the years it has increased greatly contributing to both developed and developing companies alike.

Outsourcing is a result of increased globalization in many companies. It is an easier and cheaper alternative that companies us for their call centers and back office operations. It is convenient because labor costs in countries like India, China, and Middle East is low and very cheap. By outsourcing companies can now focus more of their attention and time on more important tasks.

Also many companies do not have the space or man power to spare on back office operations which is why outsourcing becomes there best alternative. Customer service is important to any company and with the time zone difference, work can be completed when companies close and provide round the clock customer support.

Outsourcing is a growing trend in companies because of the many benefits it provides. Without having to worry about finding skilled resources, companies are provided with them at a low cost and without having to manage them directly. While not only bringing cost advantages outsourcing also improves the efficiency of companies. Outsourcing is just another example of how globalization is changing the workplace.